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Onii-chan Asa made Zutto Gyutte Shite!, Episode 04 Previews

OVA RAW RAW Released on August 22, 2021 · ? views · Posted by Suribe Yaneri · series Onii-chan Asa made Zutto Gyutte Shite!

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# 4. Onami Sumi Hen / Onami Sumi Arc

The 4th animated version of a popular PC game where you spend your days hugging with your cute little sisters

The older brother of the Onami family lives with four younger sisters, Sora, Akane, Kohaku, and Sumi.
Having suffered from severe asthma when he was little, his daily routine is to “sleep with one of his sisters.”
One day, her parents, who are also her researchers, ordered a demonstration experiment of “immunity improvement by hugging”.
“Hug your sister with love for at least 10 seconds before going to bed every day.”
And if some conditions are not met, there will be no effect.
Aside from the confused older brother, the younger sisters decorated the condition with a frame in the living room as the five rules of hugging a woman.
1. Hug with your sister every day
2. Hug for 10 seconds or more
3. Smell properly
4. If you leave, try again
5. Hug with love
Today’s bed-sharing charge is the fourth daughter’s corner.
A small animal sister I want to protect.
When her brother gently stroked her cheeks in the corner where she fell asleep, she had a habit of licking her fingers.
Then she woke up and told her that Sumi had dreamed of her brother, and she wanted to help her more while hugging.
Original: Onii-chan, stay tuned until morning! (Pc game Tinkle Position production) ) / Planning: 44 ℃ Syphilis / Production: Mary Jane

Onii-chan Asa made Zutto Gyutte Shite !, Onii-chan Keep Hugging Me Tight Until Morning Comes !, Onii-chan Keep Hugging Me Tight Until Morning Comes! !, OniGyu

The 4th animated version of a popular PC game where you spend your days hugging with your cute little sisters

The older brother of the Onami family lives with four younger sisters, Sora, Akane, Kohaku, and Sumi.
She suffered from severe asthma when she was little, and her daily routine is to “sleep with one of her sisters.”
One day, her parents, who are also her researchers, ordered a demonstration experiment of “immunity improvement by hugging”.
“Hug your sister with love for at least 10 seconds before going to bed every day.”
And if some conditions are not met, it will not be effective.
Aside from the confused older brother, the younger sisters decorated the condition with a frame in the living room as the five rules of hugging a woman.
1. Hug with your sister every day 2.
Hug for 10 seconds or more
3. Smell properly
4. Start over when you get away
5. Hug with love
Today’s bed-sharing charge is the fourth daughter’s corner.
A small animal sister I want to protect.
When her brother gently stroked the cheeks of Sumi who had fallen asleep in front of her, Sumi had a habit of licking her fingers.
Then she woke up and told her that she had a dream of her brother, and she wanted to help her more while hugging.
Original: Onii-chan, stay tuned until morning! (Pc game Tinkle Position production) / Planning: 44 ℃ Syphilis / Production: Mary Jane
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Onii-chan Asa made Zutto Gyutte Shite!

Rating 6.71
Status: Ongoing Studio: Released: 2020 Duration: 16 min. Country: Type: OVA Censor: Censored Director: Casts: ,
The first animated version of a popular PC game where you spend your days hugging with your cute little sisters The older brother of the Onami family lives with her four younger sisters, Sora, Akane, Kohaku, and Sumi. Having suffered from severe asthma when he was little, his daily routine is to "sleep with one of his sisters." One day, his parents, who are also researchers, ordered a demonstration experiment of "immunity improvement by hugging". "Hug your sister with love for at least 10 seconds before going to bed every day." And if some conditions are not met, there will be no effect. Aside from the confused older brother, the younger sisters decorated the condition with a frame in the living room as the five rules of hugging a woman. 1. Hug with your sister every day 2. Hug for 10 seconds or more 3. Smell properly 4. If you leave, try again 5. Hug with love Immediately, I will hug Sora as a practice. The softness and heat of the body that gently deposited the weight was transmitted, and my brother was more excited than I expected.
かわいい妹たちとハグ三昧な日々を過ごす人気PCゲームのアニメ化第1弾 女妹(おなみ)家のお兄ちゃんは、そら、あかね、こはく、すみの4人の妹たちと一緒に暮らしている。 小さい頃に酷い喘息を患ったことがきっかけで『妹のだれか一人と一緒に寝る』ことが日課となっている。 そんなある日、研究者でもある両親から『ハグによる免疫向上』の実証実験を命じられてしまった。 「毎日寝る前10秒以上、愛情もって妹をハグしなさい♪」ということである。 そしていくつかの条件を満たさなければ効果はないという。 戸惑うお兄ちゃんをよそに、妹たちはその条件を女未家ハグの5つルールとして居間に額縁付きで飾るのであった。 1.毎日妹とハグしなさい 2.10秒以上ハグしなさい 3.ちゃんと匂いをかぎなさい 4.離れちゃったらやり直しなさい 5.愛情をもってハグしなさい 早速、練習としてそらとハグをしてみる。 そっと体重を預けてくるそらの体の柔らかさと熱さが伝わってきてお兄ちゃんは思っていた以上にドキドキしてしまうのであった。
Onii-chan Asa made Zutto Gyutte Shite!, お兄ちゃん 朝までずっとギュッてして!, 오빠 아침까지 계속 꽉 안아줘!, Big Brother Keep Hugging Me Tight Until Morning Comes!, Onii-chan Keep Hugging Me Tight Until Morning Comes!, OniGyu

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