Switch Mode


The charming romantic and comedic hentai Overflow, known for its captivating story and adorable female characters, celebrates its 5th anniversary. Origin The hentai is based on Jitsu wa Ima Haittemasu…….

Lovely, a charming hentai that caught attention for its excellent animation, celebrates its 5th anniversary. Origin The hentai is based on Lovely Aina-chan and Mukuchi na Kanojo, two stories by…

Oni Chichi, one of the most well-known hentai series today, has just reached its 15th anniversary since its debut. Origin The hentai is inspired on Oni Chichi ~Manamusume Kyousei Hatsujou~…

Ayatsuri Haramase DreamNote, a hentai inspired by Death Note, celebrates its 15th anniversary. Origin The hentai is inspired by Ayatsuri Haramase Dream Note (操り孕ませDreamNote), an eroge produced by UnderMoon, which…

Kangoku Senkan, a hardcore Mind Control, Orgy, Gang Bang and Bondage hentai, celebrates its 15th anniversary. Origin The hentai is based on Kangoku Senkan ~Hidou no Sennou Kaizou Koukai~ (監獄戦艦~非道の洗脳改造航海~)…

The popular adult comedy anime Vampire Vixen (Itadaki! Seieki) celebrates its 10th anniversary today. Origin The adult anime is based on several stories from Itadaki! Seieki♥, a hentai manga by…