“Otoko no Ko Delivery” – The Latest Original Doujin Male Crossdresser Animation Brought to You by the Dynamic Duo of “NemuNemu” and “Yoshiten,” the Artists Behind the Character Designs for “Boku no Pico” and “Shounen Maid Kuuro-kun,” Dominating the “Otoko no Ko” Industry!
How about some male crossdressers to accompany you tonight?
The gameplay is at your fingertips, completely tailored to your desires!
Indulge in the sensation of male crossdressers to your heart’s content…
More pleasurable than melting, we’re here to assist in making it an unforgettable night!
A story that begins at your fingertips – “Otoko no Ko Delivery.”
Delivery starting towards you!!
オトコのコデリバリー, Otokonoko Delivery, Otokonoko Delivery, 남자의 코 배달m otodeli, おとデリ